Object Obituary

During its brief, but valuable lifetime, our dear departed held many pieces together-- pieces, that without saying, were as varied as they were essential. This loving helper of ours traversed many pages of life, was held in many hands, and ultimately, would end its career aiding in scholastic endeavors of many, and business matters of a few, at the desparate hands of an anonymous stoner. Our ill-fated friend was found outside the A dorms at the Evergreeen State College; the faint remnants of marijuana resin found on its tip. May we not despair at the demise of our dear paper clip, for at least, after all the hard work she put in during her brief lifetime, she went out with a spark.
Submitted by Vanessa on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 7:35pm. Vanessa's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version